The healthiest shoppers get considerable rates. When you have a pre-existing health condition, you might have a second thought of getting insurance. You may think that many only qualify for the worst, or be denied altogether. Don’t assume quickly that you’ll be turned down by the insurance company. This post will talk about what to expect when you have a medical condition before talking to your insurance company. What is a Pre-existing Condition?
A pre-existing condition is a health situation that you acquired before the date that new insurance coverage begins. This means you have been diagnosed with illness prior to the policy given by your insurer. Moreover, insurance companies utilize a ‘look back’ period to define is if a condition will be regarded as per-existing or not. Here’s a clarification for you to better understand the ‘look back’ period. It’s a predetermined time frame before an insurance policy’s coverage goes into effect. Examples of Pre-existing Health Conditions
Can You Get Life Insurance When You Have Health Issues? Yes, it’s possible to get life insurance even if you have a health condition before requesting policy. In fact, medical advances of today have led many to manage chronic conditions well. On a side note, when the individual is undergoing adequate care, there’s a higher chance to score standard and preferred insurance rates. If you apply shortly after cancer, your insurer might be hesitant to provide the insurance that you’re trying to get. But, if the result of your medical treatment shows effective and you are improving, there is no reason why the insurance company will deny your request. Types of Coverage According to Period The kind of coverage that you can get depends on your insurer and your health condition. For your awareness, here are the two types of insurance coverage that you may get:
Note: Say, for example, that you have a comprehensive plan, any medical condition that happened more than 3 years ago is not considered a pre-existing condition. Final Thoughts Get the necessary life insurance plan now to secure your future. Talk to a reliable insurance agent who cares and understands your condition for your convenience. At Berlin & Denys Insurance, we do our best in making sure that our clients are well-protected with affordable and comprehensive policies. We make sure to go the extra mile to help you with your needs. To learn more about how we can help you, please contact our agency at (800) 946-3303 or Click Here to request a free quote.
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