A $3,285 check was certainly a welcome sight for Ezra. He had just returned home from camping, but also from the emergency room. ‘What a weird turn of events’ he thought to himself. When he was sitting in the emergency room, he never would have guessed that he would be paid for being there. Ezra had always enjoyed camping; that time was no different. Out deep in the woods, he and his friends had set up their tents and now had a roaring fire lit as well. The group had a great view of the night sky. Everything was going great. Ezra walked away from the fire and headed toward their cooler; it was time to make dinner! Looking up, he was transfixed by the stars. There were so many, he could see hundreds or perhaps thousands of them! Ezra’s attention was quickly brought back to planet Earth though when he tripped over a log. He hit the ground hard and rolled down a steep hill, fracturing his elbow. Luckily for him, he had his friends with him, who were quick to help. Ezra had an accident insurance policy. Accident insurance is insurance that pays you when certain covered ‘accidents’ occur. An accident policy operates independently of your health insurance; meaning that even if your health insurance covers something, you can still receive a payout for it from your accident policy. Often though, the accident payout helps with expenses that health insurance doesn’t fully cover, such as your deductible. Accident policies will payout for a multitude of different causes: Burns, ICU confinement, dislocation, torn rotator cuffs, concussions, hospital admissions, to name just a few. Accident policies also include a “wellness benefit” of $75 for simply completing a yearly physical. That is $75 paid to you for just going to your yearly physical! His friends called an ambulance which was used to transport Ezra to the ER. Once there, he was treated for internal injuries, in addition to his fractured elbow. He would make several follow up visits to the physician and would also need five physical therapy sessions. His health insurance paid for most of these expenses, but not all of it. The $3,285 from his accident policy more than made up the difference. Ezra had gotten the policy at the suggestion of his insurance agent when he signed up for health coverage. He was only paying $18.04 a month for the policy, he had almost forgotten he had it.
Accident policies are an inexpensive way to cover the unexpected. The reality is that health insurance doesn’t cover everything. Bills from your deductible, copays, and travel expenses related to your accident can pile up fast. Our agency can help you sign up for an accident policy. Plans start at just $14.22 a month. Call us today at (800) 946-3303 or click below for a free quote. Stay safe! Comments are closed.
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August 2022